Annual General Meeting

“That the amendments to Section 6.0 of the Isolated Children’s Parents’ Association of Australia (Inc) Constitution, as circulated, be adopted.”


• Rule 6.3 from this section be moved to the 18.0 Annual Subscription section as section 6.0 deals with ‘types of members’ rather than the annual subscription payment process
• Rule 6.5 (new 6.4) – changing ‘a’ to ‘an’ and adding ‘ICPA’ to School Corporate member to reflect name change
• Rule 6.6 (new 6.5) – changing ‘a’ to ‘an’ and replacing ‘Federal’ with ‘ICPA’ in front of ‘Corporate membership’ to reflect name change
• Rule 6.7 (new 6.6) – Changing ‘A’ to ‘An’ and adding ‘ICPA’ to ‘School Corporate membership’ to reflect name change

It is suggested that Rule 6.3 from this section be re-located to the 18.0 Annual Subscription section as section 6.0 deals with ‘types of members’ rather than the annual subscription payment process.  

The amendment to Rule 6.6 reflects the renaming of ‘Federal Corporate Membership category’ to ‘ICPA Corporate Member’ which is more reflective of this membership category. Corporate Members are members of ICPA as an organisation rather than just Federal ICPA.  

Amendments to Rule 6.5 and 6.7 to add ‘ICPA’ to the Schools Corporate membership category brings consistency to both membership categories.